Ars Goetia Tarot for Different Drawings

The Ars Goetia Tarot is a powerful divination tool that reveals deep spiritual insights and life path guidance through the energy of multiple demons rather than focusing on a single entity. This guide will help you use the deck for various types of drawings, from quick insights to complex spreads, without anchoring your reading to just one demon. Instead, this method allows the tarot to reveal multiple demonic influences at play in your life.

Each reading is structured to provide detailed information while maintaining a dynamic and evolving interpretation based on the different demons influencing your situation.

1. Preparing for a Tarot Drawing

Proper preparation is essential for accurate readings. This step ensures clarity, spiritual alignment, and a strong energetic connection to the tarot.

Step-by-Step Setup:

  1. Set a Clear Intention

    • Decide the focus of your reading—whether it’s personal growth, decision-making, or spiritual insight.
    • Instead of calling on a specific demon, let the deck reveal the ones influencing your situation.
    • Example: Instead of asking, “What does Belial want me to learn?” ask “What unseen forces are shaping my path?”
  2. Create an Energetic Space

    • Light a candle (black for transformation, red for strength, purple for wisdom).
    • Burn incense like myrrh, frankincense, or dragon’s blood to heighten the energy.
    • Use a demon-neutral sigil like the Goetic pentagram instead of an individual demon’s sigil.
  3. Shuffle the Deck with Full Awareness

    • Hold the deck in your dominant hand and shuffle with a focused mind.
    • Instead of directing energy toward a demon, let your intuition guide you in mixing the energies present in the deck.
    • Stop when you feel a strong pull to do so.
  4. Cut the Deck for Energetic Flow

    • Use your non-dominant hand to cut the deck into three stacks.
    • Reassemble the deck based on intuition, letting unseen forces guide the order.
  5. Draw Cards from Right to Left

    • This mirrors natural spiritual energy flow, where messages often unfold from an external perspective (right) to internal realization (left).
    • It prevents interference when working with inked sigils or drawn symbols during the reading.

2. Different Types of Drawings & Their Meanings

Instead of anchoring readings to a single demon, these drawings reveal multiple demonic influences shaping different aspects of your life. Each method is designed to provide unique perspectives and guidance.

A. One-Card Drawing (Quick Insight & Energy Check)

Best For:

  • Quick guidance on daily energy or a pressing issue
  • Yes/No questions with deeper context
  • Identifying the most relevant demonic influence in a situation

How to Draw the Card:

  • Shuffle and cut the deck.
  • Draw one card and place it face up in front of you.

How to Interpret It:

  • Upright Position: A clear and direct influence is present.
  • Reversed Position: A blocked or hidden force is affecting you.
  • Demonic Energy: Consider the demon’s powers and how they apply to your situation.

Question: “What energy is currently shaping my career?”
Card Drawn: Raum (Destruction & Change)

  • Upright: Major shifts or job changes are ahead—embrace them.
  • Reversed: Resistance to change is preventing necessary progress.

B. Three-Card Drawing (Past – Present – Future Spread)

Best For:

  • Understanding how a situation is evolving
  • Seeing the hidden past influences, current forces, and future projections
  • Identifying which demons have influenced different life phases

How to Draw the Cards:

  • Shuffle, cut, and draw three cards, placing them from right to left.
  • Each card represents a time phase:
    1. Right: Past influences – Demonic forces that have shaped your situation.
    2. Middle: Present state – The current dominant energies at play.
    3. Left: Future outcome – The potential result if energies remain unchanged.

Question: “How will my personal growth unfold this year?”

  • Past: Andrealphus (Study & Mysticism) – A period of deep learning.
  • Present: Foras (Alchemy & Wisdom) – You are actively applying what you’ve learned.
  • Future: Seere (Speed & Manifestation) – Rapid success is coming if you remain focused.

C. Five-Card Drawing (Demonic Forces at Play in Your Life)

Best For:

  • Identifying multiple demonic energies influencing a situation
  • Understanding both visible and hidden forces
  • Seeking a balanced approach to a problem

How to Draw the Cards:

  • Shuffle, cut, and draw five cards, placing them from right to left.
    1. Current Energy – What is shaping you right now.
    2. Hidden Influence – What is working behind the scenes.
    3. Challenge/Difficulty – The main obstacle you face.
    4. Advice from the Tarot – The best course of action.
    5. Likely Outcome – Where the situation is heading.

Question: “What unseen forces are shaping my spiritual path?”

  • Current Energy: Bael (Authority & Power) – You are growing in personal strength.
  • Hidden Influence: Orobas (Honesty & Loyalty) – You may be tested for integrity.
  • Challenge: Shax (Deception & Loss) – Illusions may cloud your judgment.
  • Advice: Buer (Healing & Balance) – Seek equilibrium in your studies.
  • Likely Outcome: Balam (Foresight & Strategy) – A heightened level of intuition and power awaits.

D. Nine-Card Drawing (The Full Demonic Influence Grid)

Best For:

  • A comprehensive look at your entire life path
  • Seeing how different demonic energies weave into different areas of your experience
  • Understanding the hidden layers of influence over past, present, and future

How to Draw the Cards:

  • Shuffle, cut, and draw nine cards in a 3x3 grid, placing them from right to left.
  • The cards are read in three layers:
    1. Top Row: Past influences (Lessons & experiences).
    2. Middle Row: Current state (Where you are now).
    3. Bottom Row: Future path (What awaits you).

Question: “What is my greater life purpose?”

  • Past: Haagenti (Transformation), Vassago (Foresight), Orobas (Guidance) – You have been developing spiritual gifts.
  • Present: Andras (Chaos), Foras (Knowledge), Marbas (Healing) – You are currently experiencing both inner turmoil and wisdom.
  • Future: Belial (Mastery), Astaroth (Deep Truths), Stolas (Cosmic Wisdom) – Your destiny involves a deep connection to hidden knowledge and power.

3. Enhancing Your Readings

  • Journal Your Readings: Write down the cards, interpretations, and real-world confirmations of their influence.
  • Use Intuition: The tarot reveals more than words alone—trust the emotions and visions it evokes.
  • Review Over Time: Look back at old readings and see how demonic energies have evolved in your life.

By following this method, you allow the full spectrum of demonic energies to reveal their influence, creating a nuanced and evolving understanding of your path.

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