What is the difference between single and double-compartment electrochemical cells?

There are situations in electrochemistry where you need to separate the products produced at the working and counter electrodes. The membrane also protects against the electromigration of platinum from the counter electrode and its deposition on the working electrode (electro-or photo-catalyst). We have several solutions for this. The simplest solution is to use an inner glass compartment with a ceramic frit as in our two-compartment 50 ml beaker and 50 ml bottom mounted cells. A H-cell configuration, where the working and counter electrodes are separated by a membrane is another solution. We have specialised H-cells and electrosynthesis reactors for many electrochemical applications, but we also have membrane separated electrode holders (RE and CE) for installation in larger volume cells and tanks, including our standard and jacketed standard electrochemical cells.   

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